
VolaVola is a choral story that tells various facets of contemporary lifestyles, comparing feelings and world views of three different generations. 

During the events of the narrative of the main characters, which in the beginning are seemingly unrelated, we discover that they are intertwined and it turns out that all belong to the same family. 

The three main stories are that of Ugo and Francesca, Carlo and Annalisa and Matteo and Sofia. 

Ugo and Francesca, are the parents of Annalisa and the grandparents of Matteo. They grew up in a world far away, where the media did not have a central role in the formation of consciences and the definition of needs. They live in this bewildered present, pervaded by a profound sense of nostalgia and the search for a new equilibrium and a new harmony, that perhaps are lost forever. The story is this: Ugo, a man of 65, lives an existential crisis. He always cries and does not know why. He has a problem with his wife Francesca, with whom he no longer feels attracted to, and he tried to control this by going with prostitutes, but only with the result that he feels dirtier. We follow him in his search for healing. At the end he will meet with two young hippies and he will regain his confidence in life and in his relationship with his wife. 

Annalisa and Carlo grew up in show business and they need to be part of it, to be forever beautiful and famous like the people in soap operas. They need each other, but a lack of understanding, selfishness and lust for success causes an explosive mixture that drives their history into a spiral of growing insanity. The story is this: Annalisa and Carlo are an unusual couple: she is 40 and is an established journalist; he is 30 and is a mediocre television presenter. Carlo, through a recommendation of Annalisa, manages to get close to running a program on an important channel. Meanwhile, he flirts with a younger girl; Annalisa finds out and tries to commit suicide. After the incident, Annalisa will lead the program that was supposed to be presented by the now ex-boyfriend. The story ends tragically with Carlo gnawed by envy as the former partner decides to kill herself and then commits suicide on live TV. 

Matteo and Sofia are now growing in the Internet age, they feel distant from the models that preceded them, although they are still present and express their identity with new tools, their future is full of hope, but also because of uncertainties it is difficult to sort their dreams without patterns and landmarks. However, perhaps it is this fragility, this waiver, and voluntary even if unconscious, such as capturing them in a rigid structure which is the main moment of discontinuity with the past and that ultimately will save them. The story is this: Matteo is a young hacker. He lives at the home of Dippold, a friend with whom he worked, but when this is stopped he will be forced to return to his mother's house. He meets Sofia, a young policewoman who is following a course at the University of Sciences of environmental and cultural heritage. The girl has problems to study for an examination in Greek and Matteo aims to help. Between the two ,a love story will be born, but it is put into crisis by the attempted suicide of Annalisa and the proposal that Matteo will join a subversive group of hackers that think they can change the world through the internet. In the end, Matteo will be able to use the principles and ethics of hackers in real life, and understand the fact that to try to improve the world, they must first be comfortable with themselves, they should be happy to share their happiness with others, and he will try to do this with Sofia, starting by going into the future with her on a white horse.